The Chainsaw Man manga was exceptional as it is, but MAPPA, one of the renowned studios worldwide, has decided to take it to a new level by developing an...
After a long hiatus, the most awaited comeback of Bleach is here! The Thousand Year Blood War arc is finally getting its anime adaptation, and fans couldn’t be more...
One Piece is one of the most popular manga and anime series about the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, our main protagonist, and his pirate crew, the Straw Hat Pirates. Spanning...
Top 10 Strongest One piece Character In current history, manga has grown more and more well-liked, in part due to the growth of the internet. In regards to its...
Monkey D Luffy, heard the name? Sounds familiar? Does it feel like a character name? By any chance, is your answer yes? If I were to confirm that it...
Chainsaw Man: Top 10 Strongest Characters Ranked