Gintama THE FINAL Movie was announced back in this year and is scheduled to be released in Japanese Theatres on January 8, 2021. The story is based on the...
Beastars season 2 was announced in August on the cover of Volume 20 of manga and is scheduled to be released in the Winter season of 2021. The anime...
Hello Guys! We have received very good news for all My Hero Academia (Boku no Hero Academia) fans. On the official website and twitter account My Hero Academia Season...
Edens Zero a manga series from Hira Mashima the writer of the famous anime and manga series ‘Fairy Tail’ is getting an anime adaptation and it was announced in...
One of the most famous anime of 2020, Rent-a-girlfriend (Kanojo Okarishimasu) finished airing on 25 September 2020. Season 1 of the anime ended with an announcement of Rent A...
Gintama THE FINAL Movie (2021) New Trailer, Visual, Release Date