After an official announcement from Toei Animation on May 9, 2021, the new Dragon Ball Super movie, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero has released a brand new teaser. Along...
Magical Shoujo anime has an altogether different fanbase that is huge as any other genre of anime. Be it beautiful transformations to magical girls or sparkling animation, shows like...
After a successful serialization, supernatural shounen “Summer Time Rendering” ended earlier this year on February 1, along with the announcement of an anime adaptation and live-action projects. And finally,...
The sports genre has been saturated with popular sports like baseball, basketball, soccer, volleyball, etc. But with the sudden uprise of original sports anime like Taiso Samurai (Gymnastics), Bakuten...
Originals have been mass-produced for decades now, but the quality of the originals coming out for the past few years has been astonishing. And it’s not a surprise that...
New Dragon Ball Super Movie Reveals New Teaser: New Characters Revealed